@ Irvington Town Hall Theater
A film by Pedal Born Pictures
At the age of 16, many American kids trade in two wheels for four. Trusty steeds that once gave them freedom to explore on weekends now collect dust in the garage. For a growing number of high school students in Northern California, however, two wheels don’t get dusty, they get dirty. Their lives continue to revolve around weekend rides, but now those rides have a finish line. These are the student athletes of the NorCal High School Cycling League. This is Singletrack High.
Date: FRIDAY, APRIL 5th.
Time: 8 pm.
at The Bicycle Planet. 340 Robbins Ln. Syosset, NY, 11791.
(Click here for a map and directions).
Tickets $15.
Purchase Tickets at the door.
Proceeds to benefit both the New York League, click here for more screenings across the USA.